Episode 197 - The Truth about Used Parts & Deceptive Practices In Auto Repair With Jeff Compton and Keith Perkins
David Roman [00:00:00]:
Got noise in my left ear or nothing.
Jeff Compton [00:00:02]:
Syphilis. Syphilis.
David Roman [00:00:04]:
Lucas Underwood [00:00:06]:
That might be what's causing it.
David Roman [00:00:07]:
What's that from? That's a good.
Jeff Compton [00:00:09]:
It's a movie track. I can't think of it. I'll have to Google it.
Keith Perkins [00:00:11]:
I'm upset that I don't remember it because I. Yeah.
David Roman [00:00:14]:
Just to want. You're like, oh, this. I know that movie. I know that movie.
Keith Perkins [00:00:17]:
No, no, I don't. And I'm upset because I typically know all of the movies. I did a 7 minute ABS parody yesterday. Upset that nobody had seen Something about Mary.
Jeff Compton [00:00:26]:
I've seen that.
Keith Perkins [00:00:27]:
Yeah. With Harlan Williams. That's what.
Jeff Compton [00:00:30]:
Keith Perkins [00:00:30]:
I was mad because nobody knew.
Lucas Underwood [00:00:32]:
Nobody knew.
Keith Perkins [00:00:33]:
It's like, now we have to watch this all together, right?
Lucas Underwood [00:00:35]:
We're going to watch the movie in class. Hey, that seems like a. I mean, I looked forward to those days in school.
Keith Perkins [00:00:42]:
I do that at work. Yeah, we should. You should get Liz and ask her about Keith coming up with a movie reference and somebody not knowing. And then I have to stop production at the shop, bring up YouTube and watch it.
Lucas Underwood [00:00:54]:
I've got to look. I am somewhat guilty of that myself.
Keith Perkins [00:00:58]:
David Roman [00:00:59]:
Don't Google syphilis and like syphilis movie. It's not a good idea.
Keith Perkins [00:01:03]:
It doesn't give you this results you're looking for.
Lucas Underwood [00:01:07]:
David's Amazon history just went bonkers. Yeah. Keith Perkins. How are you this morning?
Keith Perkins [00:01:13]:
We are already recording. Oh, I'm fantastic.
Lucas Underwood [00:01:17]:
Jeff Compton.
Jeff Compton [00:01:18]:
Good morning.
Lucas Underwood [00:01:19]:
How you doing?
Jeff Compton [00:01:19]:
Awesome, buddy. You?
Lucas Underwood [00:01:20]:
I'm good, good, good.
Keith Perkins [00:01:21]:
What about you?
Lucas Underwood [00:01:23]:
I'm good, I'm good. Little stressed out about like what's going on up there. My family is fine. Yeah, the shop is fine. And everything like that is good. All the customer cars are good.
Keith Perkins [00:01:33]:
The shop looks like the one tree that fell didn't do hardly. Maybe some superficial paint.
David Roman [00:01:37]:
It also dumpster.
Keith Perkins [00:01:38]:
Yeah, well, the dumpster moved. It looked like it's still there.
Jeff Compton [00:01:42]:
The bears will move it back, David.
Lucas Underwood [00:01:43]:
Yeah, the bears.
Jeff Compton [00:01:44]:
The bears.
Lucas Underwood [00:01:45]:
And it actually was pretty funny because it washed it. You know the little road that goes up behind the shop? Like the little drive where you go around the back. It washed it over there. So Alex is like, it washed the doors open on it. All the water ran out of it. She's like, I can just walk right up because it's kind of tilted up. I can just dump the trash and. Real easy now.
Keith Perkins [00:02:01]:
Location. Yeah, yeah.
Lucas Underwood [00:02:02]:
Can I put this there?
David Roman [00:02:03]:
Yeah, you're good.
Lucas Underwood [00:02:05]:
Where's the adapter?
David Roman [00:02:07]:
The adapter.
Lucas Underwood [00:02:08]:
Right in front of your hand.
David Roman [00:02:09]:
David, hold.
Keith Perkins [00:02:10]:
You're touching it. Right.
David Roman [00:02:11]:
Well, these are my cables. Do you need. Do you need one USB C adapter?
Lucas Underwood [00:02:15]:
Again, is that not it right here?
Jeff Compton [00:02:18]:
He's going to want his name on it.
Keith Perkins [00:02:22]:
Jeff Compton [00:02:22]:
Keith Perkins [00:02:23]:
I have seven label makers.
Jeff Compton [00:02:25]:
I don't own a label.
Keith Perkins [00:02:27]:
I bought two of the same one because I like to use two different labels. So rather than switching the paper, which.
Lucas Underwood [00:02:31]:
Is a very organized guy, I sense that for sure.
Keith Perkins [00:02:33]:
I'll give you part of Liz even more so organized.
Jeff Compton [00:02:37]:
It would be part of what has made him so successful.
Lucas Underwood [00:02:39]:
I agree. Yeah, I agree. Keith, you shared a video a while back that I very much appreciated. And it was talking about a car that a car dealer wanted to fix.
Jeff Compton [00:02:51]:
Ah, yes.
Lucas Underwood [00:02:52]:
And it was something like super shady.
Keith Perkins [00:02:55]:
Lucas Underwood [00:02:56]:
And so it's the airbag thing.
Jeff Compton [00:02:58]:
Lucas Underwood [00:02:59]:
And I want to say that a. For starters, I completely agree with you. Right. Because I've seen some of that and I have. You know, one of the things I tell my guys is like, there's a degree like, we work for the client. We are spending their money, so we fix their car the way they want it fixed. Right, right.
Keith Perkins [00:03:16]:
To a degree.
Lucas Underwood [00:03:16]:
To a degree. But the thing that they never think about is what if that client sells that car?
Jeff Compton [00:03:22]:
I was just going to say, what.
Lucas Underwood [00:03:23]:
If that client gets amnesia when they get hurt? Right.
Jeff Compton [00:03:27]:
That client that he was talking about in that video is not really the inevitable client.
Lucas Underwood [00:03:32]:
Yeah, that's what I use.
David Roman [00:03:33]:
But it was a used car dealer, right?
Keith Perkins [00:03:34]:
Yep, it was. It's a body shop and car dealer.
David Roman [00:03:37]:
Keith Perkins [00:03:37]:
In one.
David Roman [00:03:38]:
Well, I'm surprised you were surprised.
Keith Perkins [00:03:41]:
No, so I wasn't surprised. Anyway, what frustrated me was that I was able to communicate with the individual that did this. And they. With the technician did it. The owner of the shop did it.
David Roman [00:03:52]:
Oh. But he was probably dictating, like, hey, this is how I want you to fix it. Or just throw something in there to turn the light off.
Keith Perkins [00:03:59]:
No, no. So he. He brought the car to me and said, I replaced airbag module. I need you to program it.
David Roman [00:04:05]:
Okay, cool.
Keith Perkins [00:04:06]:
Get the car in. Do my process. Do the scan. Go. Go to program it. Realize that the module that's in the car appears to be the original module based on coding that's in the car.
David Roman [00:04:16]:
Keith Perkins [00:04:17]:
So I called him, said, hey, did you replace the module already? He goes, no, I lifted it up. I got the center console up. So you can replace the module. Because I think you got to pull stuff out of the one and put it in the other because the typical person he uses to do the programming event doesn't use OEM tooling and equipment. So he wanted to clone it.
David Roman [00:04:34]:
Keith Perkins [00:04:34]:
I was like, well, it has crash data. I wouldn't clone this. Plus, if you bought a new module from the dealer, it's going to just program. We had to go through there was way more than what was shown. I have probably 40 minutes more of recording of conversation that both is integral to the story, but also not. So some of it was like, we had a conversation about, hey, I'm going to have to take the console all the way out to change this. He goes, no, no, I lift it up. There's a block of wood.
Keith Perkins [00:04:58]:
You can get up underneath there. I said, right, but to properly install this module, I have to torque it to a specification. And I can't get a proper measuring torque vice. He's like, you can get a ratchet wrench on it and do it. I said, yeah, but a ratchet wrench won't allow me to torque. Torque it.
Lucas Underwood [00:05:12]:
I don't know that it's.
Keith Perkins [00:05:13]:
Lucas Underwood [00:05:14]:
That's critical.
Keith Perkins [00:05:14]:
And then it was. I've been working on cars 40 years, I've never torqued one. You know, that conversation happened and that's. I was like, that's. As much as I'd love to leave that in there for sensationalism, like, that wasn't part of the conversation.
Lucas Underwood [00:05:25]:
Yeah, yeah, for sure.
Keith Perkins [00:05:26]:
David Roman [00:05:27]:
But it shows to the. It gives you the mindset of the person. Like, this is. That's like, I don't know, 50% of technicians out there.
Keith Perkins [00:05:34]:
Exactly. And that was also part of my thought that said, what else is going on in this car? And then. So I always start to take a little more of a mental note of things. And I start to look around and I see evidence of, oh, there's some wires over by the. By the seatbelt pretensioner. A little bit of further investigation. I kind of just look over and I see two resistors soldered into wire that are for the pretensioner. I was like, oh, oh, okay.
Keith Perkins [00:06:00]:
In an effort to, like, I've ordered parts and we're waiting on one. I'm going to program a module. I have taken a resistor and put it into a connector and go, yes, the circuit is intact. The replacement pretensioner will repair this vehicle to full. So I'm just going to leave it there. So I don't set codes while I do this job. Then when a part gets in, you take the resistor out, you throw it away or Whatever. And you plug it in.
Keith Perkins [00:06:20]:
You don't cut the ends off, solder the resistor in, put electrical tape on it, tuck it back in the harness.
Jeff Compton [00:06:24]:
Yeah. That's not a temporary repair.
Keith Perkins [00:06:26]:
Jeff Compton [00:06:26]:
He claimed it to be. That was his intended permanent.
Lucas Underwood [00:06:29]:
And yeah. You know, here's what got me was his response. Right. His response is what triggered me because I. In the past, I have done.
David Roman [00:06:39]:
For somebody who hasn't seen the video. What was his response?
Lucas Underwood [00:06:42]:
It was initially he got kind of snarky and kind of fussy and was trying to, I don't want to say show his ass.
David Roman [00:06:50]:
Lucas Underwood [00:06:50]:
But. And then he kind of. When he realized what was happening, he shifted and he changed his attitude. Right.
Keith Perkins [00:06:57]:
Two, there's tens of thousands of cars with no airbags. What's the big deal?
Lucas Underwood [00:07:00]:
Yeah. Yeah.
David Roman [00:07:01]:
Lucas Underwood [00:07:02]:
And so, like, I guess my thing was this is like, I was curious when it all started, because the response is, what makes the difference for me. Okay.
Keith Perkins [00:07:10]:
Lucas Underwood [00:07:11]:
And so I, as somebody who's worked on cars, somebody that owns a shop, I have put out repairs that I'm not proud to admit now that I put out. And I didn't know at the time it was ignorance. Yeah.
Keith Perkins [00:07:22]:
That's not malice. Totally different.
Lucas Underwood [00:07:23]:
And I made decisions that I wish I hadn't. And you know what? I still have things that happen today, and then somebody will call me, like, hey, what's up with this? I mean, oh, my God. Like, hey, let's. What do we need to do to make it right? And we just attack it from that perspective. Let's fix it. Right. What do I need to give you money? I mean, like, what do we do to fix this? So I get you taken care of.
Keith Perkins [00:07:43]:
What's the expectation here to make this right from you?
Lucas Underwood [00:07:45]:
And you can. The thing is, you can tell when you're talking to somebody what the content of the harder the intent is. Right. Because if it's. Oh, man. If we can just sweep this under the rug, I'll just give you this money, you know? Right. That's different than. Oh, my gosh, I am so sorry.
Lucas Underwood [00:08:00]:
What do we need to do to make this right for you?
Keith Perkins [00:08:01]:
I had no idea.
Lucas Underwood [00:08:02]:
Yeah, exactly. Right. And I would have. I would have really perceived it much better on his part. And so it became extraordinarily clear in that video. This was not just ignorance.
Keith Perkins [00:08:15]:
Yeah. This was system, normal daily process.
Jeff Compton [00:08:18]:
Not the first time.
Lucas Underwood [00:08:19]:
Yeah, exactly.
Keith Perkins [00:08:20]:
So, David, to clarify what's happening, because I think it's still really muddy what happened. I called him, and once I found This. I did a little bit of instigative interviewing. And I say that because I was eliciting a response from him.
David Roman [00:08:35]:
Keith Perkins [00:08:35]:
And I asked, hey, I need the customers. Because he told me, this car is sold. I gotta get it done. Because tonight they want to pick it up.
David Roman [00:08:44]:
Keith Perkins [00:08:45]:
And get it back together. So I need. He was calling with a sense of urgency. I need you to program it quickly. Hey, is it gonna be done today?
Lucas Underwood [00:08:50]:
Keith Perkins [00:08:51]:
I told him, like I do everybody, it takes as long as it takes. It's gonna be done 100% right when we get done, blah, blah, blah, the whole story, we give. And so he said, okay. So when I called back, finding this, knowing that we have a serious issue here, and I believe that he did it again, at this point, I have no proof that he did it. For all I know, he's never seen that part of it.
Jeff Compton [00:09:07]:
That's right.
Keith Perkins [00:09:08]:
He could have bought it at auction, partially repaired, all these different stories. So I called and said, hey, I need the customer's information. BMW is making me put in their name and phone number. The software makes me do that. I was lying, completely fabricated. To get the customer's information so I could alert them of the situation and find out if this is what conversations have been had. Right. I typically.
Keith Perkins [00:09:32]:
I have three and a half years of law enforcement experience, and I did 26 weeks in a law enforcement academy, and I have 17 credits short of a bachelor's in criminal justice and abnormal psychology. So I was doing everything I could to get all of the info before I said, I know what happened here.
Lucas Underwood [00:09:51]:
So he knew you were broken? He knew. He knew something had shifted in you. Is it the peptides? Are they making you like this?
David Roman [00:09:59]:
I'm not, no.
Keith Perkins [00:10:00]:
He's going to the gym. He's working out. I don't know what's.
David Roman [00:10:02]:
I had one break in my fridge. That's probably what did me in.
Keith Perkins [00:10:06]:
That's the straw that broke.
David Roman [00:10:08]:
$150 just gone.
Lucas Underwood [00:10:11]:
How did it break?
David Roman [00:10:12]:
I mean, it was a little overfilled because I didn't pay attention to the vial size. And then when I filled it, it was super full. And then the fridge froze, it expanded.
Jeff Compton [00:10:23]:
You're on a steroid regimen?
David Roman [00:10:27]:
No, I'd be jacked. If I were on steroids, it'd be awesome.
Lucas Underwood [00:10:29]:
Jeff Compton [00:10:30]:
I don't know if you'd be jacked.
David Roman [00:10:31]:
But anyway, I'd be jacked.
Keith Perkins [00:10:32]:
It still requires the physical.
David Roman [00:10:33]:
Have you seen taking steroids? They are enormous.
Jeff Compton [00:10:37]:
I could show you lots of them. There are. Okay, so Lance Armstrong, he was jacked.
David Roman [00:10:43]:
Yeah, he was. He's meaning, like, he had been lift. No, no. If he had been lifting, yes, he would have been jacked. But he wasn't using it for those purposes.
Jeff Compton [00:10:53]:
I'm just showing you the very.
David Roman [00:10:54]:
He was. Yeah, but if you looked at Lane Somstrong, you'd be like.
Jeff Compton [00:10:58]:
But your statement wasn't. If your statement made the assumption that somebody that's on steroids is going to look like. Is going to look jacked, that is not.
David Roman [00:11:05]:
For the most part. Yeah, that's like 99% of them.
Lucas Underwood [00:11:08]:
I will put this out, though.
David Roman [00:11:09]:
Shredded. Let's say it that way. Shredded.
Lucas Underwood [00:11:12]:
I will put this out there, though. So we're sitting in this glass room and we watch people walk by. And it's interesting because, for instance, there's one person in attendance that I know. There's two people in attendance that I know are frustrated with me. One of them, I don't know why. One of them, I do know why.
Keith Perkins [00:11:27]:
Lucas Underwood [00:11:28]:
And so, like, I can see their personality change when they walk by. And then the. There's other people who are always the.
David Roman [00:11:35]:
Fazio. No, he never looks at you nicely.
Lucas Underwood [00:11:38]:
Well, it's Keith. I'm not worried about that.
Keith Perkins [00:11:40]:
He'll also come in and hug him.
Lucas Underwood [00:11:42]:
Yeah. There's other people who are normally really chipper and cheery and, like, they're always upbeat and always going. And like. So we go to all these shows and they're at the same shows, and so I've noticed there's a two or three particular people that are always upbeat and cheery and they're walking by and I can tell something's going on.
Keith Perkins [00:12:00]:
Are they local?
Lucas Underwood [00:12:01]:
Keith Perkins [00:12:01]:
Okay. I'm just trying to put pieces together here.
Lucas Underwood [00:12:03]:
Yeah, yeah. I'll tell you who it is when we get done, but I'm just saying.
Keith Perkins [00:12:06]:
Like, you don't want to put it on recording.
Lucas Underwood [00:12:07]:
Yeah, I don't want to put it on recording because, I mean, it seems like maybe there's something, like, actually wrong.
David Roman [00:12:11]:
Are you speculating here?
Lucas Underwood [00:12:13]:
No, the. The one person I. I came out and asked yesterday, I was like, hey, is everything okay? And they're like, no, it's not.
David Roman [00:12:20]:
What'd you do?
Lucas Underwood [00:12:21]:
Oh, we talked about a little bit and went on. But, you know, it was. Yeah, it was just one of those situations, like, hey, misunderstanding. No, no, no. They weren't upset with me. Oh, they've got something personal going on, business going on. Right.
David Roman [00:12:34]:
So. So you dig into this guy's story. It's obvious that he did he have the car sold or no?
Keith Perkins [00:12:42]:
So then he says, the story changed. The story change. Now it's. It's my car and I'm going to sell it. I'm the customer.
David Roman [00:12:48]:
Keith Perkins [00:12:49]:
And then at that point, I had already gathered enough and I, So I said, okay, well, there's, you know, there's another code in the car. I'm finding some anomalies with some resistances in certain circuits. Just again, making up things to elicit an answer that I'm looking for.
David Roman [00:13:03]:
But why didn't. I'm just curious.
Keith Perkins [00:13:04]:
David Roman [00:13:05]:
And I'm not. I'm not questioning your methodology or I'm just sort of just curious. Why didn't you just come out and say, hey, I'm in this car and it looks like it was hacked up? And so I lifted up a panel and you guys have a bunch of resistors just jammed in here.
Keith Perkins [00:13:20]:
That's where it went. But less. But less accusatory. More of a verb type question than an interrogative type question.
Lucas Underwood [00:13:25]:
Keith Perkins [00:13:26]:
So using what was the reason for that rather than why did you do this? Yeah, it was a different non accusatory type question.
Jeff Compton [00:13:31]:
He was giving him another opportunity to be honest or to say maybe like he had referenced. I'm putting the resistors in so that the thing can work. And then I have the tensioners on order. I think that's even what he said.
Keith Perkins [00:13:41]:
Yeah, that is what he said.
Jeff Compton [00:13:42]:
I have tensioners on order.
Keith Perkins [00:13:43]:
I just. Which I then confirmed was not the truth also.
Lucas Underwood [00:13:46]:
Yeah, I'm sure that.
David Roman [00:13:48]:
Yeah, that would have been a lie. Like as soon as he said that.
Keith Perkins [00:13:50]:
I actually got an employee that I say employee, I got someone that works there that told me, no, they were not on order yet.
Lucas Underwood [00:13:57]:
Yeah, yeah, I mean, it was obvious.
David Roman [00:13:59]:
What was your. With this?
Keith Perkins [00:14:01]:
Because determining if he was the individual who did it and if his intent was nefarious or due to ignorance and then if. Or if he didn't do it and he needs to know this.
David Roman [00:14:13]:
So I, I mean, it would have been pretty obvious that this was not ignorance.
Keith Perkins [00:14:18]:
Right, right, right, right. But did he do it? Did his. Or did he buy it at auction and it already had this done.
David Roman [00:14:23]:
Lucas Underwood [00:14:23]:
So he.
Keith Perkins [00:14:23]:
And he's just trying to finish fixing the car and the dude has great intents. And I'm like, hey, we. You. By the way, this is also. And he. What if he would have went, no, I didn't know that. Holy cow, thank you, let me get fixed.
David Roman [00:14:33]:
That's why I would have told him, like, I couldn't believe somebody's going to be in this car. And it looks like there's resistors, like wired into the belt pretensioners. Do you want me to get this fixed for you? Because that's not. Yeah, the car can't leave.
Lucas Underwood [00:14:46]:
You can't sell that.
David Roman [00:14:47]:
And then wait for. No, I got the belt tensioners on order and blah, blah, blah.
Keith Perkins [00:14:52]:
Yeah, that was kind of the situation. He said, no, no, no. I said, what are they? And he said they're 2 point ohm sensors instead of 2.0 ohm resistors. They're 2 point ohm resistors. So. So I said, okay, so there's some weird nomenclature there backwards a little bit. This is probably a guy that references computers as the brain. Yeah, yeah, yeah, he's a gentleman.
Jeff Compton [00:15:15]:
He probably literally found that on Google with like a search of how to shut the light off.
Keith Perkins [00:15:20]:
Jeff Compton [00:15:20]:
And that's how it had been written and that's how he recited it to you.
Keith Perkins [00:15:23]:
Lucas Underwood [00:15:23]:
Keith Perkins [00:15:24]:
And so then I just listed, okay, what, you know what, what's the plan here? I said, so I think you know what's going on here. And he said, yep. And I could tell, we could feel it on the phone that he knew I had caught him. And then it started to change a little bit. Yeah, so, so why did you tell me you had a customer if it's just you? Well, I just thought that that would get it to go faster. I was like, that's. That's real honest of you. Right, let's.
Keith Perkins [00:15:44]:
What's happening here? What, what was the, you know, I started asking questions. There's a lot that's cut out, but it basically, it's where he sits there and tries to continually justify why he did it.
David Roman [00:15:54]:
Lucas Underwood [00:15:54]:
David Roman [00:15:54]:
At that point it's cope. You know, it's like. Yeah.
Keith Perkins [00:15:57]:
And then it was, then it was an attack on me. This is just a PR stunt.
Lucas Underwood [00:16:00]:
Keith Perkins [00:16:01]:
You're just doing this to get business. And then you know what you call cars in your parking lot? He told me, I have a 5,000 square foot building. They're all inside.
Lucas Underwood [00:16:09]:
Here's the thing is like, I think he genuinely probably believes those things. Right. Because he's telling himself that to make himself feel better and he's trying to work through it. You know what bothers me though is, is not the single instance that it happens every day all over the place, happens all over the country.
Keith Perkins [00:16:28]:
And that was the opportunity I took. Had, had. He said, I had no idea. No, none of. We wouldn't be sitting here talking about this. You would have never seen it. I find this monthly.
Lucas Underwood [00:16:38]:
Keith Perkins [00:16:40]:
Worked on 10,000 cars last year.
David Roman [00:16:45]:
If we stopped to call out everybody that we found hacky work from.
Lucas Underwood [00:16:51]:
Yeah. We wouldn't do anything but call people out.
David Roman [00:16:53]:
Be nothing but YouTube videos all day long.
Jeff Compton [00:16:55]:
We'd need two more channels.
Lucas Underwood [00:16:56]:
Keith Perkins [00:16:57]:
David Roman [00:16:58]:
Because it's. It's constant.
Keith Perkins [00:17:00]:
David Roman [00:17:02]:
I mean, it's fine that you call this guy out and you put him on blast. You know how many people are actually going to see it? He's probably just going to shut down the business and open it up under a different name. And then he's probably done that 20 other times.
Keith Perkins [00:17:14]:
Mine was more of a consumer education point and inventing my frustration at the same time of the whole situation that there really wasn't anything I could do.
David Roman [00:17:23]:
You couldn't do anything to stop him. You can't do anything to stop anybody from doing it other than just give him back the car and go, dude, I'm not programming this. That's what I can go kick rocks.
Keith Perkins [00:17:31]:
I even said, I don't want a dollar of your money. Don't. I just. I'm keeping the ticket, keeping it open. Documented everything. You know, take the car. I parked it outside. So don't come on my property.
David Roman [00:17:40]:
Keith Perkins [00:17:40]:
And then. And then I rig. Nicked on that because I told him the keys will just be in it. And I said no, because then if he comes and grabs it, he'll say it got stolen.
David Roman [00:17:46]:
Keith Perkins [00:17:46]:
For me. So I. Then I kept keys inside and made him come inside and get the keys.
Lucas Underwood [00:17:50]:
Keith Perkins [00:17:50]:
And then he's like, I'm here to get the keys. Hand it to him. And he said. He looked at me in the face and said, good luck and walked away. And that was our entire interaction from that point.
Lucas Underwood [00:17:59]:
You know, good luck.
Jeff Compton [00:18:00]:
Like. Like you need.
Keith Perkins [00:18:02]:
I said, you two. That's all I said back.
Jeff Compton [00:18:04]:
Yeah, like you need his.
Keith Perkins [00:18:05]:
David Roman [00:18:05]:
But like, he's got nothing else to say.
Keith Perkins [00:18:07]:
Right? There's not.
Jeff Compton [00:18:08]:
I take. But see that.
Lucas Underwood [00:18:09]:
That was almost like. Almost.
Jeff Compton [00:18:11]:
I would take that. I was just gonna say. I take that as a threat. My. My back.
David Roman [00:18:15]:
Luck as a threat.
Lucas Underwood [00:18:17]:
It's the way it's.
Jeff Compton [00:18:17]:
Because what's the. What's the intonation of that happening after I know you.
David Roman [00:18:21]:
There's nothing good luck in business.
Jeff Compton [00:18:23]:
I'm going to start a smear campaign after. That's how I immediately take that. After that.
Keith Perkins [00:18:27]:
Yeah, but you can.
Lucas Underwood [00:18:28]:
You tend to go a little more negative. I would have probably taken it as a threat. Like, oh, he did you watch and see.
Keith Perkins [00:18:32]:
He did then go and contact every other collision center in town. I've lost 80% of all my. My collision business. I have almost zero collision accounts now.
Lucas Underwood [00:18:40]:
Keith Perkins [00:18:41]:
Literally starting three days after that.
Jeff Compton [00:18:43]:
So he obviously.
Keith Perkins [00:18:44]:
But I don't care. I do not care.
David Roman [00:18:46]:
He went to the collision shops and.
Keith Perkins [00:18:47]:
Said, hey, he's a collision center that's been there 40 years until.
David Roman [00:18:50]:
So he's like, hey, I'm doing shady stuff. He called me out. So if you do shady stuff, don't go there.
Keith Perkins [00:18:55]:
Right. That's why some not broke up about it. If somebody took that and they were like, oh, cool, don't take it to him. He'll. He'll catch me then. I don't want that work anyways. I'm fine.
Jeff Compton [00:19:02]:
So when he walked in there and.
David Roman [00:19:03]:
Said, 80% of the collision shops that I deal with in your local area are all doing shady stuff. Likely.
Keith Perkins [00:19:11]:
I don't know. Maybe. Yeah, possibly.
David Roman [00:19:13]:
Keith Perkins [00:19:14]:
That's for them to listen to this podcast and have that internal guilt conversation with themselves of why they don't want to use man. And they can use anyone they want.
David Roman [00:19:22]:
See why.
Keith Perkins [00:19:22]:
It's capitalism.
Jeff Compton [00:19:24]:
I don't think he's a listener of this podcast.
David Roman [00:19:26]:
Cannot. I cannot do this. This is. This is constant. These people. Like, that guy's been in business for 40 years, probably. He's got a nice boat. And he's been.
David Roman [00:19:36]:
He's got two nice boats.
Keith Perkins [00:19:38]:
So his son works with him with a business with the exact same name next door. So no one's seen part two video. Because I haven't made it. Because I have. I don't want to make it because I don't need it to make it into another thing. But just. His son asked me to remove his name from the recording after he threatened to sue me. And I said, I'll remove your name because your dad already told me that you didn't have anything to do with this.
Keith Perkins [00:19:58]:
They're probably both lying because I called his. I messaged his son on Facebook. Two minutes. We share some mutual friends in the industry.
David Roman [00:20:04]:
Keith Perkins [00:20:05]:
I've worked in automotive industry for 20 years in Tulsa. Almost like I got a pretty good. We share a lot of friends on Facebook. Right. I messed him. I said, did you or your dad put the resistors in the BMW or in the mini? And he said, I didn't do that. He immediately said, I didn't do that. He had to have known what was going on because this was three minutes after getting off the phone with his dad.
David Roman [00:20:26]:
The apple does not fall far from the truth.
Keith Perkins [00:20:28]:
Right. And his son sells cars every day on Facebook. And they're all, every one of them are auction cars. Most of them are advertised as salvage title.
Lucas Underwood [00:20:36]:
Keith Perkins [00:20:37]:
And so I have a very, very long text conversation on message, on messenger with his son.
Lucas Underwood [00:20:41]:
Keith Perkins [00:20:42]:
And I went ahead and did remove his name from it because I have no proof that he did anything to it. So I'm not going to smear someone if I don't. Why would I do that?
Lucas Underwood [00:20:50]:
Well, I mean, here's the thing is there's byproducts of the things that have happened in our industry over the years. Right, Right. And so think about the fact that especially when it comes to DRP and insurance facilities, things like that, they're squeezed financially.
Keith Perkins [00:21:08]:
Lucas Underwood [00:21:09]:
They start making bad decisions. Technology is changing really fast and you either learn the new technology or you roll over and give up. So some of these shops are finding their way right down the middle. Right. They can't find technicians.
Keith Perkins [00:21:21]:
Lucas Underwood [00:21:22]:
Right. And I heard a story the other day, it's been a while back, but it was of a collision shop that did pretty much the same thing John Eagle Collision did. They're a big name, massive company. They did it with public service vans. Right. And like the passenger vans, Ford or whatever.
David Roman [00:21:39]:
Lucas Underwood [00:21:39]:
Transits. And so they did that exact same thing. And I was asking questions about it and they said, well, the thing is, is that we don't have employees that know how to follow that process.
Keith Perkins [00:21:52]:
Lucas Underwood [00:21:52]:
And I'm like, but, but you're like a collision shop and you're certified in that brand.
Keith Perkins [00:21:56]:
No excuse. Yeah.
Lucas Underwood [00:21:57]:
And they're like, we understand and we get it, but we don't have anybody that can do it.
Keith Perkins [00:22:01]:
Lucas Underwood [00:22:01]:
So the vehicle had to be repaired.
Keith Perkins [00:22:03]:
Rather than do it. Right. The dollar is more important.
Jeff Compton [00:22:04]:
Sucks to be them.
Lucas Underwood [00:22:05]:
Yeah, exactly.
Jeff Compton [00:22:06]:
Well, processes, your talent that you need.
Keith Perkins [00:22:08]:
Yeah. Fix your processes or close up your doors. That's your two choice. And everything else.
Jeff Compton [00:22:12]:
No one else.
Lucas Underwood [00:22:13]:
But they're not. There's so many people who just look at it and say those aren't options. So I'm just going to keep doing what they are doing.
Keith Perkins [00:22:18]:
They're the options that they're afraid of. Right.
Lucas Underwood [00:22:19]:
They don't want.
Keith Perkins [00:22:20]:
They don't.
Lucas Underwood [00:22:20]:
They're the options.
Keith Perkins [00:22:21]:
They don't want to select and they don't want it. They don't belong there.
Jeff Compton [00:22:24]:
They deserve to be put on blast.
Lucas Underwood [00:22:25]:
Yeah. I'm just telling you. I mean, it's. We're seeing more and more of this stuff and think of the repair shops that we work with. And I would have been one of them until I walked into this facility. Where at the ASTA Expo. Right. Until I started learning, hey, I don't know how to run a business, and technically I'm not as sound as I should be.
Lucas Underwood [00:22:43]:
And I didn't even think about the fact that there were legal liabilities for the decisions I was making. Right. I didn't know. I was just trying to fix cars. And in fact, I thought I was helping the client by not fixing it properly.
David Roman [00:22:57]:
Yeah. That's what you end up doing a lot of times is you're like, helps save $1,000.
Keith Perkins [00:23:01]:
I didn't buy the. I didn't use the OEM approved method for replacement.
Lucas Underwood [00:23:04]:
Keith Perkins [00:23:05]:
Yeah. There's a position statement that says we shouldn't use used wheels or reconditioned wheels because they're structural components to the repair. But I saved them $1,200 over this.
David Roman [00:23:13]:
OEM use wheels.
Keith Perkins [00:23:15]:
Yep. Almost every manufacturer has position statement that a wheel is a structural component and in using it is not. Not allowed.
David Roman [00:23:22]:
A used wheel.
Keith Perkins [00:23:22]:
Used wheel. Used or reconditioned.
David Roman [00:23:24]:
Yeah, we sell.
Keith Perkins [00:23:26]:
Would you put a used crash bar on a car?
David Roman [00:23:28]:
A used crack. If it was. Well, has it been in a crash?
Keith Perkins [00:23:33]:
I'm watching the wheels. I asked a question. I watched his face and he went, well, hold on.
David Roman [00:23:37]:
Well, just if it's. Let me think. I mean, if it's bent like a. Like it's not bent. Bumper bar or whatever.
Jeff Compton [00:23:42]:
If they filled it with brave car and improved it.
David Roman [00:23:44]:
Keith Perkins [00:23:44]:
Yeah, absolutely. Car was on fire?
Lucas Underwood [00:23:46]:
No. Hell no. Are you crazy?
Keith Perkins [00:23:48]:
No, but it's not disclosure. It's just been really hot. Metallurgy hasn't changed.
Lucas Underwood [00:23:51]:
Keith Perkins [00:23:52]:
It has. Right.
Lucas Underwood [00:23:53]:
And I'm not touching.
Keith Perkins [00:23:54]:
Do you want to know the 19 questions that all their lawyers set in the building and decided on and just said, you know what? We probably should just put notes. Used ones at all.
David Roman [00:24:01]:
Lucas Underwood [00:24:01]:
Keith Perkins [00:24:01]:
And that's why that happens on the wheels.
Lucas Underwood [00:24:04]:
Wheels and a lot of other things, too.
Keith Perkins [00:24:06]:
This is. This is exactly the moment you're having right now, David, is exactly the moment that Lucas was talking about earlier, but he didn't know. You don't know. Right. You have no ill intent on the last used wheel you put on a car.
Lucas Underwood [00:24:18]:
Right. But if you don't know, you don't know.
Keith Perkins [00:24:20]:
You don't know. Right.
David Roman [00:24:21]:
Here's the thing, though. The. I understand. Yeah, I understand the position. But if a company as large as, like, lkq, you sit on hold and you listen to their indemnity clause that they've got.
Keith Perkins [00:24:37]:
David Roman [00:24:37]:
Like, kind slides the liability onto them because they're guaranteeing that, hey, this thing is going to be safe to be installed on a vehicle.
Keith Perkins [00:24:46]:
They didn't say that.
David Roman [00:24:48]:
Keith Perkins [00:24:49]:
No, that's not what it says.
David Roman [00:24:50]:
What does it say?
Keith Perkins [00:24:51]:
It says specifically that the. Like, if you read the fine print, I don't know about what verbiage it says on their hold music, but if you read their actual. Their actual statement of stuff is that they're not guaranteeing that it. That it is approved to put on the car. They said it's like kind and quality. The fitment will be the same as oe because it is oe.
David Roman [00:25:09]:
Sure. Okay.
Keith Perkins [00:25:10]:
So it doesn't say it's safe to put on the car. I don't think they've ever stated it's safe to put on a car. There's. There's one windshield company that states that their calibration will pass. And then it says further down in it. That's on you to determine if that's within the OEM's purview of allowing an aftermarket glass or if it meets the minimum requirements that it may have a difference in its sound reduction, audibleness.
David Roman [00:25:33]:
I can see what you're saying there, but there does get to a certain point in legalese where there's an assumption made by the verbiage, and I don't care what they've got in the fine print, you are making an assumption based on what you're hearing or what you're reading, that this is allowable or this is okay to put on the car.
Keith Perkins [00:26:02]:
David Roman [00:26:03]:
And so you go sort of by that. Now, if the wheel is bent or cracked or it's something that tells you visually, but if the wheel is of good integrity or if it's been reconditioned, it looks fine. I've got some on my wife's car. Reconditioned wheels. Everything looks fine. The White House shipping. Well, no, not necessarily that. That's.
David Roman [00:26:25]:
You're going too far on that. That's too much of a swing. I'm saying the wheel balances nicely.
Keith Perkins [00:26:30]:
David Roman [00:26:31]:
It'd be different if you get it on there and you're like, why am I 15 ounces off?
Keith Perkins [00:26:34]:
David Roman [00:26:34]:
You shouldn't be 15 ounces off it. You know, it's a. It's a Japanese wheel. So you're gonna get half an ounce, one and a half ounces, maybe two ounces at the most.
Keith Perkins [00:26:42]:
David Roman [00:26:43]:
No red flags. There's no red Flags on this.
Keith Perkins [00:26:45]:
David Roman [00:26:46]:
And they're telling you that, hey, it's okay to put on or whatever. Right. They're using legalese to say it fits a certain way. If I'm gonna go specifically by the letter, hey, this doesn't say this, but it does say this and this. Who has time for all that nonsense? They may be thinking that, hey, if we get they come after us because some wheel ends up causing an accident or whatever, we're gonna be able to get out of this with this legalese bs. Depends how good your lawyers are versus what lawyer I've got.
Keith Perkins [00:27:14]:
David Roman [00:27:14]:
That's all it is. Look at the deal with it. Did you see the deal with Disney? No. This couple goes to Disney. The wife gets fed peanuts by accident. She has an allergy, she dies. Okay, horrible. So he goes to sue Disney.
David Roman [00:27:32]:
He had signed up for Disney plus a free trial for Disney plus. In the terms of service that Disney plus says that you cannot sue the Disney Corporation. That you have chosen to go to arbitration in case there's any, any dispute or any problem with the Disney Corporation, you're going to go to arbitration. You think that held up?
Keith Perkins [00:27:51]:
David Roman [00:27:51]:
Do you think that held up?
Keith Perkins [00:27:52]:
David Roman [00:27:52]:
It was in this fine print though. It's like, okay, great. Anyway, right now, this is Disney. They've got the lawyers.
Keith Perkins [00:27:59]:
Yep. LKQ billion multibillion dollar company.
Lucas Underwood [00:28:01]:
David Roman [00:28:02]:
They got the lawyers still smaller than Disney. So Disney still lost is my point. Like, no, no rational judge looks at that and goes, huh, yeah, well, it's in the fine print, buddy. I'm sorry, you shouldn't have put that wheel in.
Jeff Compton [00:28:15]:
But in that case, it's in the fine print for her streaming service at home. Yet when she goes to the park and gets fed something accidental that kills her. I could, I don't even know how you could make the argument that that.
David Roman [00:28:26]:
Because he signed up for it and he accepted the terms of service. And in the terms of service it says that you are only going to take this arbitration with the Disney Corporation for any reason. The Disney Corporation. Not because there was a problem with Disney plus says if you have a beef with the Disney Corporation, you only got to go to arbitration. That's what you're choosing. You're accept that in signing up for this free trial. Turns out he wanted to sue Disney because he got fed some penis or his wife got fed some penis and she died. It still didn't hold up.
David Roman [00:28:53]:
Just looked at thing goes, no smart. You guys are going to court.
Keith Perkins [00:28:56]:
Yeah, same thing.
David Roman [00:28:59]:
What are you looking up.
Lucas Underwood [00:29:04]:
Disney has reversed course on a wrongful death lawsuit by the widower of a woman who died after eating at a resort restaurant, saying the matter can now proceed to court. Previously, Walt Disney Parks and Resorts had argued in court documents the widower's Disney plus streaming service contract means he cannot sue for the alleged wrongful death of his wife. And let's see. I just want to see if it says that the judge.
Jeff Compton [00:29:34]:
Didn'T burst out laughing when he read the idea that he.
David Roman [00:29:37]:
At some point. At some point, you have to. You have to put some common sense into this.
Lucas Underwood [00:29:43]:
The judge never said anything. It says that Josh D'Amaro, the chairman of Disney Experiences, said the company is going to waive its right to arbitration. We strive to put humanity above all other considerations. With such unique circumstances, the one in this case, we believe the situation warrants a sensitive approach to an expedited resolution for the family who have experienced such a painful loss. And it doesn't say that the judge suggested that anybody else suggested that because they're reading cnn.
David Roman [00:30:11]:
Keep looking. Yeah, fake news, fake news.
Lucas Underwood [00:30:16]:
I just picked the first.
David Roman [00:30:18]:
I'm sure they didn't look at the situation, go to the lawyers and go, hey, are we going to be able to win this? And they go, look, not only you're going to get bad publicity, you're going to end up getting left out of court. You better just reverse course on this, okay? And then they're like, magnanimous, Mag.
Keith Perkins [00:30:32]:
David Roman [00:30:34]:
Keith Perkins [00:30:35]:
David Roman [00:30:35]:
No, no, Magna Magnum.
Jeff Compton [00:30:38]:
Maggie, I'm telling you, he's.
Lucas Underwood [00:30:41]:
Look, he's been trying to get me to take these peptides. He's like, you need to inject this, and you need to inject this, and you need to inject this. And now this poor little fella. I mean, he's been grouchy all week. Everybody in the rooms notice it. Like, all these people keep coming up and saying, like, hey, what's wrong with David? Jeff thought something was wrong with David.
Jeff Compton [00:30:56]:
I thought it was roid rage, honestly.
David Roman [00:30:58]:
Lucas Underwood [00:31:01]:
I. I don't know. Maybe Braxton.
David Roman [00:31:06]:
Oh, who sounds that up? Hold on. Magnanimous. Thank you.
Keith Perkins [00:31:13]:
David Roman [00:31:14]:
She came at it in that particular approach. We're going to be magnamon.
Keith Perkins [00:31:17]:
David Roman [00:31:18]:
There you go. We're going to be like that, and we're going to take it to court.
Keith Perkins [00:31:22]:
We're going to try to find a good sticker. Just so you know.
David Roman [00:31:30]:
Lucas Underwood [00:31:31]:
I'm gonna get one, baby. That's the next shirt.
Keith Perkins [00:31:33]:
Google it.
Lucas Underwood [00:31:34]:
I'm gonna send. I'm gonna send old boy the. The message today, that's gonna be our best selling shirt.
David Roman [00:31:40]:
And then he's gonna take us to court and says, hey, my terms of service. It says down here that if I'm on your podcast and I like one of your ideas and you end up selling it, I'm gonna get.
Jeff Compton [00:31:49]:
Just make them red hats with that on it.
David Roman [00:31:51]:
Oh yeah, the what?
Keith Perkins [00:31:52]:
Just make it red hats with white writing on it.
Lucas Underwood [00:31:54]:
Red hots, red hats, white riding like the picture of David bald headed on top of it.
Keith Perkins [00:31:59]:
I just want you guys to know that Isaac Rodell owns Make Automotive Repair Great again dot com.
Lucas Underwood [00:32:04]:
That's pretty slick Automotive. Isaac Rodell owns every single URL that.
Keith Perkins [00:32:08]:
I know of and I own all the other ones.
David Roman [00:32:10]:
Yeah, yeah, but how does that Marga Make Automotive Repair?
Keith Perkins [00:32:13]:
It doesn't matter. It's catchy and it's great.
Lucas Underwood [00:32:15]:
Yeah, I like it.
David Roman [00:32:16]:
I don't know, it's too, it's too divisive. I'm sure it goes over well. And no, he's in Raleigh. I'm sure it doesn't. That's why he's not walking around with a Magra hat or whatever.
Keith Perkins [00:32:26]:
Yeah. Also Isaac is funny enough, more probably on the left side than anything else.
Lucas Underwood [00:32:32]:
Yeah, he's in Raleigh.
David Roman [00:32:33]:
Yeah, I would assume that.
Keith Perkins [00:32:34]:
Jeff Compton [00:32:34]:
Yeah, we'll accept him anyway though.
Lucas Underwood [00:32:36]:
Do you think that we are too risk averse? Okay. And so here's the thing, right? I know that I get accused of that and I know that sometimes I am too risk averse. And what I mean by that is that, like, I talk about the legal perspectives and the things that a shop should think about and the documentation and making sure things are signed and making sure all of that's on paper and, and a lot of shops come back to me and say, dude, this is too far.
Keith Perkins [00:33:03]:
I just want to fix cars.
Lucas Underwood [00:33:04]:
Right? I just want to fix cars because, like, the chances of that happening are very small. And, and they're probably right. And so like, we want to fix cars properly. And. And I actually had somebody bring this up a while back and he said, I, I spent two years in India. He's like, man, just, just fit my car running, like. Because I'm telling you, like, over there, they don't even care if, like anything is there.
Keith Perkins [00:33:29]:
Have you watched them make brake pads over there?
David Roman [00:33:31]:
Yeah, I know, right?
Keith Perkins [00:33:32]:
And so like sitting down in a, in a, you know, in a robe.
David Roman [00:33:36]:
Keith Perkins [00:33:37]:
Crisscross applesauce. Just smacking them together.
Lucas Underwood [00:33:41]:
We're hoping David doesn't do that. Crisscrossing A robe with David is not a good idea.
David Roman [00:33:45]:
They don't have any parts there. Like, they gotta make everything from scratch.
Jeff Compton [00:33:48]:
That's right.
Lucas Underwood [00:33:48]:
I thought you were talking about under the robe. I mean, I just.
Jeff Compton [00:33:51]:
The safety sandals on his feet were made from the tire shop next door.
Keith Perkins [00:33:54]:
Yeah. Safety squints engaged.
Lucas Underwood [00:33:56]:
Jeff Compton [00:33:58]:
Who doesn't do that?
Lucas Underwood [00:34:00]:
I am pretty guilty of it. But. But. So, I mean, are we too risk averse?
David Roman [00:34:07]:
That's what I was going to say. I think the corporations are too risk averse. So they're going to put out this like, hey, the guidance is all brand new wheels. Because we don't know. And I get it from their standpoint. They don't want to say it's probably fine and then get sued into oblivion because they're sitting on billions. I understand it from that standpoint, but a little bit of common sense has to come into this and go, okay. There's no reason why the wheel would.
Keith Perkins [00:34:33]:
Because when you recondition them, you heat them up and it changes the metallurgy, in which case the crunch point and the ability for it to absorb different and altered. How do you know a used one hasn't been repaired, hasn't been hit?
Jeff Compton [00:34:42]:
Maybe it's been. Maybe they're stress tested. Where 10 potholes is where it'll fracture and break apart across the studs. And that wheel hit nine potholes. And then the guy, when you put the tire on it, hit it with a hammer, straightened it back out, sprayed some paint on it. That's a reconditioned wheel.
David Roman [00:34:57]:
Yeah, it depends where you get the wheel.
Keith Perkins [00:34:58]:
And then most of the position statements do state that if it's cosmetic repair only that it's okay.
David Roman [00:35:05]:
Keith Perkins [00:35:06]:
That's not reconditioned. That's just. We touched the paint up because it was scuffed.
David Roman [00:35:09]:
Keith Perkins [00:35:10]:
Right. I mean, they're cracked. It makes sense. Yeah.
Jeff Compton [00:35:13]:
If I lay a bunch of weld into it, like if you read the position, brushed off. That's cosmetic repair.
David Roman [00:35:17]:
Keith Perkins [00:35:17]:
It's pretty clear. It's like beyond. It says beyond cosmetic repair. It's like reconditioned wheels beyond cosmetic repair. Not advised.
David Roman [00:35:24]:
Keith Perkins [00:35:25]:
So it's because of.
David Roman [00:35:26]:
But then at that point, like, there's no way for you to know. So, like you call up and go, hey, can only be caused.
Keith Perkins [00:35:32]:
Companies that certify, like Capa and stuff.
David Roman [00:35:34]:
Keith Perkins [00:35:34]:
And I'm not saying that's great to use or whatever. I like OEM only just because I had it takes all of the stress off of me.
Lucas Underwood [00:35:40]:
Yeah, for sure.
David Roman [00:35:40]:
It's like, hey, I just put causing you stress though. And the other thing too is like availability and pricing. I don't mind the pricing. The pricing is what it is. It's like it's going to cost $500 per wheel. Or we had a Cadillac in there. It was 22 inch wheel with a weird setup or whatever. It was $1100 per wheel.
David Roman [00:35:58]:
Okay. You're rolling around. $120,000. SUV behemoth. I'm sorry, they're $1100 a wheel. It's whatever.
Keith Perkins [00:36:04]:
I'm sorry.
David Roman [00:36:05]:
Little lady with a Corolla. I said it. Yeah, with a Corolla. Little lady with a Corolla. She's old. Like I feel bad for her also. She's done that much. Long live.
David Roman [00:36:16]:
Like, hey, take a little risk. We're going to put this with save yourself some dollars, go spend it at the casino.
Keith Perkins [00:36:23]:
You'll have a good time.
Jeff Compton [00:36:24]:
I'm overly risk averse, so taking that a little bit extra risk. Then let's do brake pads and only put the inboard pad in because she doesn't drive it very far. And I would save her some money.
Lucas Underwood [00:36:34]:
Where is it?
Jeff Compton [00:36:35]:
Where do we break it down to.
Keith Perkins [00:36:36]:
Flip the brake pad and use the backing plate for a little while?
Lucas Underwood [00:36:38]:
You could.
Jeff Compton [00:36:39]:
For a little while.
David Roman [00:36:40]:
Yeah. I think you're taking it too, too far to, to extreme because the, the it becomes. Am I saving this customer $1,000?
Keith Perkins [00:36:50]:
Diminishing returns.
David Roman [00:36:51]:
Yeah. 50 cents.
Jeff Compton [00:36:53]:
You know, but we could talk about scenarios that's always happened because if you call any part store and say, have you ever had a box sold and for whatever reason they only put two out of the four brake pads onto the car, they'll say 100% every one.
David Roman [00:37:07]:
Jeff Compton [00:37:08]:
So is it right to do. No, of course it's not right to do. Yeah, right.
Keith Perkins [00:37:12]:
So just like I brought up at our, our little conversation at lunch that we had is as much as this conversation is great, like, I don't really care. I'll just put new parts on the car and I don't have to worry about this. Yeah. When we had the conversation about how do you do comebacks? I'm like, I don't know. They're less than 1%. We have a process in place and we just follow it. I'm not really having a bunch of heartache over how we do comebacks.
Lucas Underwood [00:37:31]:
See, that's kind of my thought process is if I can eliminate everything, I can. Yeah, right.
Keith Perkins [00:37:36]:
And that's why I do the oem.
Lucas Underwood [00:37:37]:
And so here's the other side of that. Right. Let's think about. Especially when we get to the point that we have multiple employees. At least if I have systems in place, maybe they're over the top. Maybe they're overkill. But the fact that they're overkill means that hopefully they're going to catch at least four or five of them. They might miss this one part of it.
Lucas Underwood [00:37:57]:
They might miss that one part of it. But I'm protected because I had so much overkill in that I showed. And so, like, you look at the notes on our repair orders. Everybody gives me shit over our notes. You've seen them. I mean, like, it's a lecture, right?
Keith Perkins [00:38:11]:
It's ours. The same.
Lucas Underwood [00:38:13]:
It's. Here's how. Here's the test we did. Here's what the customer said. Here's the test we did. Here's the result of the test. Here was the expected result of the test. And here's what we recommend based on all available evidence.
Keith Perkins [00:38:24]:
Why do you think you get crap for it and I get praised for it?
Lucas Underwood [00:38:27]:
I think people hate me more because I'm friends with David.
Keith Perkins [00:38:29]:
Oh, I thought it was the beard.
Jeff Compton [00:38:31]:
That's not it at all. But it's like. Like I've read yours and like, I look at them and they're like, outstanding. Yeah.
Lucas Underwood [00:38:37]:
I mean, my clients love them.
David Roman [00:38:40]:
What the real answer. It's your tone.
Keith Perkins [00:38:41]:
Is it?
David Roman [00:38:42]:
Keith Perkins [00:38:42]:
And I'm so incendiary and direct and like nobody else to.
David Roman [00:38:46]:
Yeah. There. It's not. It's not necessarily. They don't want to disagree. I think that you'll.
Keith Perkins [00:38:52]:
I know. They just.
David Roman [00:38:53]:
Fast. Yes, exactly.
Keith Perkins [00:38:55]:
David Roman [00:38:55]:
They're just not going to say it to you. They're not gonna sin. It's a little bit chicken, but it's very. It's very much tone. And I'll give you a perfect example of this numbnuts over here is in the middle of George Floyd riot hell in Minnesota. Okay? There's tire fires and people running the streets and they're shooting each other and complete and total chaos. And this hick from the mountains just walks through the middle of it like he's strolling through the park.
Keith Perkins [00:39:24]:
David Roman [00:39:24]:
And not a single person bothered him.
Keith Perkins [00:39:26]:
Now, crazy white guy.
David Roman [00:39:28]:
It's. It's not. It's not. You know, he didn't look like a crazy white guy. He looked like he normally does. Now why didn't they bother him? Because it had to been somebody with just an ounce of timidity. An ounce of timidity?
Keith Perkins [00:39:39]:
David Roman [00:39:39]:
Somebody would have walked up to him, hey, boy, what are you doing here? And they would have. They would have started something. They would have been messing, right?
Keith Perkins [00:39:46]:
You ever stared at somebody in the eyes on the subway in New york City at 2am Same thing.
David Roman [00:39:52]:
They will push you onto those tracks. You need to be careful. They will push you onto those tracks.
Lucas Underwood [00:39:57]:
They might push me onto those tracks, but by God, I'm taking them with.
David Roman [00:40:00]:
Yeah, right. Well, not if they push you in the back. You don't even see it coming. You got to make sure you're pushed back. Anyway, people nuts. My point is, he was walking through there. He didn't give two Fs. He didn't give two Fs.
David Roman [00:40:12]:
He's like. And he carries himself in a certain way. And I told him this. You're a big boy, and you carry yourself in a certain way. Nobody's going to mess with you. Nobody's going to mess with you. And you're. And it's not.
David Roman [00:40:23]:
It's not that you're intimidating. You're not intimidating. You're a nice, approachable guy. But the way you talk and your tone.
Keith Perkins [00:40:29]:
Oh, yeah.
David Roman [00:40:30]:
And confidence and assertiveness goes. Is 99% of it. And so you speak in a certain manner. You speak with authority, you speak with confidence, and you speak quickly, too. Yeah, you do, do, do. I'm telling you, that scares 99% of people. And they're like, oh, so I'm not going to debate this guy.
Keith Perkins [00:40:51]:
I have a good example of that from class yesterday that could bring up another fun topic. So I set aside about an hour and 45 minutes in my class and said, I'm on the board of directors in nasdaq, and here's slides. Here's four slides of everything happening. I would like to just answer all of your questions in a calm, collected manner with no threats from anybody towards me. I said, if you got your tomatoes to bring, I brought my ball glove. And I'm ready to just answer questions. Two people had two statements and no questions, and it was quiet, so I had to elicit responses.
Lucas Underwood [00:41:24]:
Yeah, you know, it's so funny.
David Roman [00:41:27]:
They don't know. They don't know what's happening. They make assumptions, and they're not going to confront you about what they know. They think they know because they know. They're.
Lucas Underwood [00:41:36]:
That's what.
David Roman [00:41:37]:
I'm kind of wrong. I'm probably wrong.
Keith Perkins [00:41:40]:
But it feels good to gripe quietly.
David Roman [00:41:41]:
It feels good to gripe quietly. We were in here with Scott Hicks, and he's like, I just feel like there's no accountability. And we go, whoa, hold on. What are you talking about? There's oversight and there's accountability. We have a board. They have a board. They have a board. You can be on the board.
David Roman [00:41:56]:
Anybody can be on the board. Be on the board. There's your accountability. There's your oversight.
Keith Perkins [00:41:59]:
One of the statements was, there's a large corporation, two large corporations on the board. And I'm worried they're going to do something. I'm like, there's three ifs before something happens for that.
Lucas Underwood [00:42:07]:
Keith Perkins [00:42:07]:
I said, so that's if they decide to do something bad. If the bad thing is allowed within the industry, if it's allowed within the board, and if nobody else does anything about it.
David Roman [00:42:17]:
Yeah. Too many steps.
Keith Perkins [00:42:19]:
What. What if you get hit by a bus tomorrow? Are we going to just stop using buses?
Lucas Underwood [00:42:23]:
Look, here's the problem, though. We're talking about the sensationalism.
Keith Perkins [00:42:26]:
Yeah. Right. Yeah.
Lucas Underwood [00:42:27]:
And everybody that's upset right now followed a particular sensationalist.
Keith Perkins [00:42:32]:
Lucas Underwood [00:42:32]:
And they. When that came out, right. I was sitting in California. I was having dinner with some of the board of eti and they laughed. And I'm like, this pisses me off. And they're like, why does it piss you off? You know it's not true. I'm like, because I know it's not true.
Keith Perkins [00:42:47]:
Right, Right.
Lucas Underwood [00:42:48]:
Like, I know it's complete bullshit. I know it's not even remotely close to the truth.
Keith Perkins [00:42:52]:
Try being the one sitting at home at the same exact time and then starting to get messages and emails about the. The things that I'm going to do that they're going to do things about. I'm like, what do you. What?
Lucas Underwood [00:43:01]:
Right. Well, I mean, what's so funny is. Is like the video that was chopped up. And clearly now. Now, I'm not going to lie to you.
Keith Perkins [00:43:09]:
Lucas Underwood [00:43:10]:
I think Donnie handles things the wrong way sometimes.
Keith Perkins [00:43:13]:
Lucas Underwood [00:43:14]:
I think the communication is not what it should be.
Keith Perkins [00:43:16]:
I would have answered those questions differently. I told Donnie that.
Lucas Underwood [00:43:18]:
Yeah. I think that. I think it's almost. Donnie comes across as confrontational sometimes. Donnie comes across, and because he feels attacked, his response to the attack comes off as, I'm doing something wrong.
Keith Perkins [00:43:31]:
I will tell you, he was attacked.
Lucas Underwood [00:43:33]:
He was. There's no doubt.
Keith Perkins [00:43:34]:
And there's been multiple threats of litigation now.
Lucas Underwood [00:43:37]:
Keith Perkins [00:43:37]:
So then I asked Donnie, like, why didn't you answer with this information? He's like, well, I'm really not supposed to answer at this point because that individual has threatened litigation. That individual has seeked out my address Is personal, home and business. So he could send.
David Roman [00:43:52]:
Keith Perkins [00:43:52]:
Send paper to.
David Roman [00:43:53]:
Keith Perkins [00:43:53]:
So I'm like, okay, so now I have to answer questions differently to that person. So I usually just ask if directed question. I usually just say, will you ask that same question so I can answer it.
Lucas Underwood [00:44:02]:
Dude, I've seen the insanity. I have firsthand seen the insanity before any of this happened. Right.
Keith Perkins [00:44:09]:
Lucas Underwood [00:44:09]:
And I know what the. I know what a raw form video of that interaction would have looked like.
Keith Perkins [00:44:16]:
Lucas Underwood [00:44:16]:
And I know what it was turned into. And I know it was spun and I know it was spun in the editing. And I know so many of our industry members are going to feel like bloomin idiots when the truth finally comes out.
Keith Perkins [00:44:28]:
What frustrates me is there are some legitimate questions that could be asked.
Lucas Underwood [00:44:32]:
Keith Perkins [00:44:32]:
In a calm manner to then clear some information and possibly make the process or system better.
Lucas Underwood [00:44:37]:
Exactly right. And all they've done is they've hurt themselves.
Keith Perkins [00:44:41]:
Yeah. Because NASDAQ didn't invent this. It's the system we've been using for JLR since 2008, and now an aftermarket tool company wants to use it. And we're like, yeah, here you go.
Lucas Underwood [00:44:48]:
I'm gonna get you in trouble with this one.
Keith Perkins [00:44:50]:
Lucas Underwood [00:44:50]:
I'm gonna get you in trouble. I'm just.
Keith Perkins [00:44:52]:
Real quick, real quick. I'm a volunteer on the board. It cost me money to be on it. And I don't have a boss.
Lucas Underwood [00:44:58]:
Keith Perkins [00:44:59]:
So I have. I don't care.
Lucas Underwood [00:45:00]:
Well, so here's the thing. I'm gonna get you in trouble because I'm gonna say this. I am not behind the vehicle theft story.
Keith Perkins [00:45:10]:
Okay. Okay.
Lucas Underwood [00:45:11]:
Not even remotely behind it. What I personally believe is.
Keith Perkins [00:45:15]:
Lucas Underwood [00:45:15]:
Is I personally believe that everybody in our industry that knows anything knows that sooner or later they're going to come knocking. And it may be the theft story that they use, but they're going to come knocking and they're going to say, sorry, we can't give you that access because this, this, this, and this.
Keith Perkins [00:45:32]:
Lucas Underwood [00:45:33]:
I personally think that the reality of it is, is that where we're at right now is we are mitigating our losses in the future. So if that comes our way, we can say, no, no, no, look what we did.
Keith Perkins [00:45:46]:
We made efforts.
Lucas Underwood [00:45:47]:
Right. We were doing something to fix that.
Keith Perkins [00:45:49]:
So it's going to make a smaller impact on theft than what I think most people would like it to.
Lucas Underwood [00:45:54]:
Keith Perkins [00:45:55]:
It's already made an impact on theft on some of the recent things of removing certain functions from certain levels of tools.
Lucas Underwood [00:46:01]:
Keith Perkins [00:46:03]:
The Biggest thing for me, I think that we're going to notice is because there's two pieces of legislations in two different states that wanted to push through to make it a crime to hold those tools without a state issued locksmith identification, which may require everyone that has that tool to leave their job as an automotive repair technician and go work as a locksmith technician apprentice for two years to get their state locksmith ID like it requires in Texas and in Oklahoma and other states.
Lucas Underwood [00:46:28]:
Yeah, stupid. But. But instead they're fighting that. That's trying to.
Keith Perkins [00:46:33]:
Sounds terrible. Because you're going to make a law that's going to affect people you have no idea about. So how about we do this to prevent it instead? And that keeps everyone in business. It's supposed to be in business.
Lucas Underwood [00:46:40]:
But then. Then jackasses start spending it a different way to make it sound like it's something else. And they're. Dude, it is. It is sickening to me because I watch what they're saying. I'm like, you have no effing clue what you're talking. I'm not even talking about the person who made the video.
Keith Perkins [00:46:54]:
Lucas Underwood [00:46:54]:
I'm talking about the followers who then bought in and think that they know what they're talking about.
Keith Perkins [00:46:59]:
Lucas Underwood [00:47:00]:
They don' a clue.
Keith Perkins [00:47:01]:
I would rather that person take their massive influence and go, how can we make this better? How can we make it more like. I don't like this about it. Is there something we can do different?
Lucas Underwood [00:47:10]:
Well, I mean, but that's not their intent. Their intent is to cause problems.
Keith Perkins [00:47:13]:
Lucas Underwood [00:47:14]:
Their intent is to tell lies. Their intent is to stir up problems. That's.
Keith Perkins [00:47:17]:
I don't know their intent.
Lucas Underwood [00:47:18]:
And that's true.
Keith Perkins [00:47:19]:
I don't either as well as anybody else that I've been attacked by a person more than anything. But at the same time, there's. There's no. There's one person in this state right now that has enough power of me emotionally to make me upset and she's in a class having a great time. The rest of the people here, I love all of you.
Lucas Underwood [00:47:35]:
Keith Perkins [00:47:36]:
Not shame. My world.
Lucas Underwood [00:47:37]:
Keith Perkins [00:47:38]:
None of you are important enough to make me upset from the.
David Roman [00:47:40]:
Jeff makes me so all the time.
Jeff Compton [00:47:42]:
No, I don't.
David Roman [00:47:43]:
He's mean to me.
Jeff Compton [00:47:43]:
Listen, that's just it coming back around, okay. Because we've had this conversation at the beginning. I wanted to choke you more times than I wanted to hug you.
David Roman [00:47:51]:
See, this is what I'm talking about.
Keith Perkins [00:47:52]:
I didn't see it. I had my head turned. It's on film.
Jeff Compton [00:47:54]:
So from the, from the outside person working in the real. When I see some of the channels that I talk to, people make a very good point. And I'll tell you from back home. So back home we have a real bad car theft problem. In Toronto we were talking about why don't I fly out of Pearson? Probably because when I leave my Jeep in the parking lot of Pearson, it probably won't be there when I come back. That's the reality.
Keith Perkins [00:48:15]:
But not if it's Chrysler.
Jeff Compton [00:48:16]:
No, here's the thing that's happening right? When they talk about, well, the cars can't be stolen from that manner. People are literally, if there's a G wagon parked in some of these really high end neighborhoods, they're not coming in and trying to clone the key, they're kicking the door open. You gotta remember, it's Canada. Not everybody on the other side of the door has a gun and they are literally blasting the door open and getting the people out of bed and saying, we're here for your car and give us your keys. So to the point where the local police station or the Toronto police said leave your keys where they can get them or move across the border and.
Keith Perkins [00:48:52]:
Stay strapped or get clapped. Okay.
Jeff Compton [00:48:56]:
So the whole technology thing to prevent car theft to going to the. What they're trying to do, the finite level to me as a technician, that's.
Lucas Underwood [00:49:06]:
What I'm saying is I don't think that, I don't think that should be the whole narrative. I think it's a mistake to make that the whole narrative. I think the narrative should be we're working to build a sustainable automotive repair industry. We recognize that if we don't take steps, the manufacturers will eventually, and I'm going to be honest with you, I don't think it's the manufacturers are going to come after us. If I was worried about any one group coming after independent auto repair, it's not the manufacturers. No, it's the insurance. Insurance and dealer associations. Yeah, the dealer associations.
Lucas Underwood [00:49:39]:
You may have even been there when this conversation was had where a manufacturer representative said, you think it's us that's doing this? Yeah, it's the dealer associations. They are more powerful than we are. They have more money than we do. Yeah, they're dangerous. So they want something, they'll make it happen.
Keith Perkins [00:49:55]:
I want to put that part, the car theft part in perspective of maybe people going, yeah, yeah, that's not going to do anything. From the purview of, okay, can we all agree there's a car Theft problem.
Jeff Compton [00:50:04]:
Oh, yeah, Just.
Lucas Underwood [00:50:05]:
Keith Perkins [00:50:05]:
Just. And everyone listening, just think there's. There's a car theft problem and it's. And it's a huge pie of car theft. Right. 100% piece. All the car theft.
Lucas Underwood [00:50:13]:
Keith Perkins [00:50:13]:
The automotive industry and NASDAQ is only responsible for 10% of what happens in the industry.
Lucas Underwood [00:50:19]:
Keith Perkins [00:50:20]:
So if we're going to say this is going to help car theft, we're not saying all of it. It's the part that we can affect.
David Roman [00:50:26]:
Keith Perkins [00:50:27]:
I'm not saying that putting this program in place is going to reduce all car theft, but the part of it that we can create a rule that changes things in what we're doing, it's that part.
Lucas Underwood [00:50:37]:
Keith Perkins [00:50:37]:
Right. NASDAQ can't reach into the crowbar industry.
Jeff Compton [00:50:41]:
Keith Perkins [00:50:42]:
And remove crowbars.
Lucas Underwood [00:50:43]:
Keith Perkins [00:50:43]:
Right. But NASDAQ can say, hey, you make this tool, let's make it a.
David Roman [00:50:47]:
Cars. They're just. Their cars are unlocked, the keys are in it.
Keith Perkins [00:50:50]:
Yeah, yeah. That's a.
Lucas Underwood [00:50:51]:
That's a huge part of it.
Keith Perkins [00:50:52]:
And we know that.
Jeff Compton [00:50:53]:
Well, then they deserve it stolen.
David Roman [00:50:55]:
But I'm telling. It's like 90% of the car stolen. Kansas City cars were in it. The car was running. I parked it outside the qt. I went inside real quick, done it a thousand times, came back out, the car's gone.
Lucas Underwood [00:51:06]:
Yeah, yeah.
David Roman [00:51:07]:
Oh, my car got stolen.
Lucas Underwood [00:51:08]:
Fiscally. Fiscally speaking, that. That is the other big argument that people are making. Oh, this is a money grab. This is a money grab. I don't see how it's going to be a money grab.
Keith Perkins [00:51:18]:
I mean, we can talk about that, too. I'm cool with it.
Lucas Underwood [00:51:21]:
Yeah, well, let's do it. Because, I mean, like, I don't see that logic.
Keith Perkins [00:51:24]:
Lucas Underwood [00:51:24]:
And. And I think it's. Anytime you institute control. Now, I'm going to tell a little story, and I'm not going to. I don't want to get anybody in trouble. I'm just going to tell you from my perspective the story that I heard. There was a particular individual who wanted VSP credentials. They made a massive fuss about it.
Lucas Underwood [00:51:42]:
Massive. On the Internet, every Facebook group, every board in diag Net, everywhere you went, you were hearing about this story of this person who they were going to destroy their business over this thing that happened a long time ago. And then at the end of the story, guess what comes out. Well, why weren't you allowed? Well, because they were a felon. Okay, What. What was your felony for? Oh, car theft. Oh, yeah. Okay.
Keith Perkins [00:52:11]:
The funny thing is to put even More perspective. Again, I want people to. Because people don't think about these things. Do you think it's nasty saying, we don't want you to have your VSC because you have a car theft? Or do you think it's the insurance company that gives NASTIF insurance to allow individuals to have access to car information, says you can't insure people that have had a car theft history of stealing cars?
Lucas Underwood [00:52:33]:
Well, this particular person, I'm not going to go over the story of how it all worked out because they'll know who I'm talking about and all that. But what it turned out to is that somebody else may have been using credentials and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and for them to be able in all this stuff. And at the end of the day, it came out that they used a tool to illegally acquire an automobile and they got caught.
Keith Perkins [00:52:56]:
You mean like the thing that NASTIF credentials individuals to do?
Lucas Underwood [00:52:59]:
Yeah, yeah.
Keith Perkins [00:53:01]:
And then.
Lucas Underwood [00:53:02]:
And then they were using somebody else's account to do it, and then it got that person in trouble. And then everybody's up in a roar and it's like, I can't believe you've done this to me. Hold up just a minute. Because it kind of sounds like you did this to yourself.
Jeff Compton [00:53:18]:
The whole stupid argument. Is it of the fact that, like, how many of these people wouldn't pass vetting to be able to be accredited and allowed for security access, to be able to do what we're talking about here? And if all of them are, what's the percentage of known felons, then that wouldn't be approved. And do we look at it and go, we have to allow everybody, because everybody should get a second chance. Or we just go that. Unfortunately, this is the thing about a fallout from something you do as a young, stupid, whatever adult later in life can have an effect. And that's just life. I'm sorry. Yeah, you can't.
Jeff Compton [00:53:52]:
You can't get the access that you need to program that car. I see you on a tire promo.
Lucas Underwood [00:53:58]:
Every single day that poor George made decisions in his younger life that got him a felony. And I see people look at him different. I see him not have access to things. You know, like one of the things that's going on right now is the local high school needs a substitute automotive teacher. And it's like, we're going to send a tech over once every, you know, when this guy's got to be out. So we're going to send a tech, they're going to pay him. I'm Going to pay him. Try and work it out to where, like, we can make sure the kids get.
Lucas Underwood [00:54:28]:
Because the only other substitute is not an automotive person. Right. Just a regular.
Keith Perkins [00:54:31]:
Lucas Underwood [00:54:32]:
And so I've said, okay, let's do this. Well, guess what? Not possible.
Keith Perkins [00:54:37]:
Yeah. You can't. They got to have XYZ to be a.
Lucas Underwood [00:54:40]:
And. And we talk about it, and George says, you know, he's like, it does suck, but I understand that. I made a decision, and there's a consequence for the decision I made. And, you know, and I try and teach my kids that. It's like, it's all well and great and good, and I understand it might have just been a mistake, but some mistakes you live with for the rest of your life.
Jeff Compton [00:54:59]:
Well, that's. Yeah.
Lucas Underwood [00:55:00]:
You can't take that away. That is. That is life. It's not fair. It's not supposed to be fair. It never was fair.
Jeff Compton [00:55:05]:
Going back to that. He had a lot of people that would have told him, hey, bud, better pull back on what you're doing, because it's gonna. It's gonna haunt you later.
Lucas Underwood [00:55:13]:
Jeff Compton [00:55:13]:
And. But we put her. We put her. We cover our ears up. We put our head down.
Lucas Underwood [00:55:18]:
We just keep pulling so much of that. He was manipulated by somebody he loved and somebody he cared about and somebody he thought loved him to get what they wanted.
Keith Perkins [00:55:26]:
Lucas Underwood [00:55:27]:
But you know what? At the end of the day, it was still him that made the decision, and he pays the price for it.
Keith Perkins [00:55:35]:
Free will.
Lucas Underwood [00:55:35]:
Keith Perkins [00:55:36]:
And didn't have to do it.
Lucas Underwood [00:55:38]:
I think the. The biggest thing is when you really dig into this. We've talked about the story of the spelling bee thousands of times now. Life is not fair. Stop teaching your kids that it is fair. Stop teaching them that they deserve. None of us deserve anything if we get up tomorrow and we're above ground and breathing. God damn it.
David Roman [00:56:01]:
You won about. I was told by somebody very important and very high up that sometimes we don't all start in the same place and we just need an opportunity.
Jeff Compton [00:56:10]:
Okay, well, wait a minute.
David Roman [00:56:11]:
And if I just send the money, that they'll fix it for me.
Jeff Compton [00:56:14]:
Who was I just talking to, though?
David Roman [00:56:16]:
Jeff Compton [00:56:16]:
We said somebody, but I think it was this morning. We don't all start in the same place. And I said that is a bunch of B.S. by this point, because we can see examples now with this little thing that we carry in our pocket. I can show you a million examples of somebody that all had it harder than you at your particular thing and achieved greater things than you probably Will. So whatever obstacle you think is all in your head, it's the.
David Roman [00:56:41]:
It's the outcome, though. I got a friend of mine have equal outcome.
Keith Perkins [00:56:45]:
I got a friend of mine with a banner in his shop. It's perfect. It says, nobody cares. Work harder.
David Roman [00:56:50]:
Lucas Underwood [00:56:50]:
Yeah, exactly.
Jeff Compton [00:56:51]:
Brian Pollock. All jobs are hard.
Lucas Underwood [00:56:53]:
Yeah, I mean, jobs are hard.
David Roman [00:56:55]:
And there's like, I don't know, throwing a B hole on the Internet in that hard.
Keith Perkins [00:56:59]:
Have you tried it yet? It's hard. What you think? You know, stretch first, warm up.
Lucas Underwood [00:57:03]:
I have a friend.
Keith Perkins [00:57:04]:
It's cold in the room. You got to deal with that. I'm just saying I have.
Lucas Underwood [00:57:06]:
I have a friend whose wife does.
David Roman [00:57:08]:
Some people like them all shoveled up and stuff like that. That's okay. Oh, I'm gonna slip that in every single episode now.
Keith Perkins [00:57:17]:
Just slip it in.
Jeff Compton [00:57:20]:
That's an extra nine.
Lucas Underwood [00:57:21]:
Something small just goes, I have a friend whose wife runs one of those establishments. And what?
David Roman [00:57:30]:
Hold on, I'll establish one of those. She's got a room in the back of her house with a whole bunch of cameras.
Lucas Underwood [00:57:37]:
Yeah, exactly. And he said that the number of messages and the type of messages and the things that come through and the fact you, like, some of these people can't even go to the grocery store because people are recognizing and stuff. I mean, I know it's a choice, but it's still.
David Roman [00:57:49]:
Why would you recognize? Be like, hey, I'm your biggest fan. Like, what? What?
Lucas Underwood [00:57:54]:
I would guarantee you Jeff Compton would roll right in there and be like, david Roman, I am your biggest fan. You your only fan, but your biggest fan.
David Roman [00:58:02]:
If you subscribe to the content and then you end up recognizing them, you just expose yourself for being a subscriber going, I know who that is.
Jeff Compton [00:58:13]:
But there's not supposed to be any stigma to being a subscriber, because that's exactly what they want me to be as a subscriber. Which then on the flip side means.
David Roman [00:58:21]:
If I happen to see them, content creator. But, you know, there is a stigma. I think there's a stigma.
Jeff Compton [00:58:27]:
It isn't. And if they happen to be pushing their grocery cart down the aisle at Kroger, and I stop them and I say, I'm a huge fan and I'd like a picture taken. And they tell me, get f. Creepy.
David Roman [00:58:38]:
No, they'll say, 10 grand. Like, hey, I need to see 10 grand pop up on my. Yeah, that's what they'll tell you.
Jeff Compton [00:58:45]:
Now they're probably like, I don't like the fact that somebody stopped me in my Personal life. Well, guess what? You put it out there. You put it out there and people are going to recognize you.
David Roman [00:58:53]:
I feel like this is like.
Keith Perkins [00:58:54]:
I didn't want to be rude and be on my phone, but I did have to buy OnlyWrenches.com.
Lucas Underwood [00:59:02]:
Let'S do it.
Keith Perkins [00:59:03]:
I now own OnlyWrenches.com.
Lucas Underwood [00:59:05]:
So David and Jeff are your first. Your first canvas subs.
Keith Perkins [00:59:08]:
Yeah, can you just send me pictures of your toolbox? That's why I'm going to post on it.
Jeff Compton [00:59:12]:
Yeah, sure.
Keith Perkins [00:59:12]:
Yeah. But you got a high. Send your pictures an illicit Polaroid somewhere in the picture.
Lucas Underwood [00:59:17]:
And your boss.
Jeff Compton [00:59:18]:
Where do you still get Polaroids?
Keith Perkins [00:59:20]:
You can buy them. Bought my kids Polaroid cameras.
David Roman [00:59:22]:
Yeah, my kids. My kids do too. They love it.
Keith Perkins [00:59:26]:
It's Kodak.
David Roman [00:59:27]:
Yeah. Just little cameras.
Jeff Compton [00:59:29]:
That's one of the things that went away with modern. Modern car repair is that I can remember earlier on in my career opening glove boxes and finding Polaroids of stuff that I wasn't supposed to see. And I got thinking about that. Isn't that suck that now that I can never see those in a glove.
Keith Perkins [00:59:41]:
Box anymore because I don't see the picture anymore. The actual things in there.
Lucas Underwood [00:59:45]:
Yeah. Or. Or hey, listen, you get in the car and you start it and they're sitting in your lobby.
Keith Perkins [00:59:51]:
Lucas Underwood [00:59:51]:
And the sounds of their porn come across the Bluetooth speakers. That is like you're.
Jeff Compton [00:59:56]:
You're talking about those things that they found like 784 of them at PD says. Yeah, 780.
Lucas Underwood [01:00:02]:
The great diddler.
David Roman [01:00:03]:
Allegedly. Allegedly.
Lucas Underwood [01:00:06]:
Allegedly innocent until proven guilty innocent.
Jeff Compton [01:00:08]:
2000 bottles of empty baby oil or empty bottles of baby oil and 700.
Lucas Underwood [01:00:12]:
You find that David's house. What are you talking about?
Keith Perkins [01:00:15]:
Was it going to refill them or why do you keep the bottle?
Lucas Underwood [01:00:17]:
Well, I mean, like when you're a hoarder.
Keith Perkins [01:00:19]:
Oh, I was just wondering if, like, has the recycle not come yet or.
David Roman [01:00:22]:
No, that's a nightly use. Like, you know, they just used it. They walked in. They're like so many empty bottles.
Keith Perkins [01:00:30]:
I just had the mental image of trying to walk to the kitchen to get a sandwich and just slip it everywhere.
Jeff Compton [01:00:34]:
Isn't that.
David Roman [01:00:35]:
Those are the memes. The kid, like baby oil spilled baby oil, everybody slipping all over the floor.
Jeff Compton [01:00:39]:
Isn't that gonna be funny if some Canadian kid, Justin Bieber cracks that whole thing wide open?
David Roman [01:00:44]:
He. Oh, that. You gotta feel bad for that kid.
Keith Perkins [01:00:46]:
David Roman [01:00:46]:
You gotta feel.
Jeff Compton [01:00:47]:
It's really, it's. You're right. It is hard to feel bad for him. That his age, he is already worth that much money?
David Roman [01:00:53]:
No, no. But.
Keith Perkins [01:00:55]:
David Roman [01:00:55]:
Would you. Would you have been okay going through that at 14 or 15 years old, having to endure again just to be worth that? That's not. No, that's not worth it.
Keith Perkins [01:01:08]:
David Roman [01:01:09]:
I'm sorry. I don't. I'm like, hey, I'm worth 100 million Canadian. So. And.
Jeff Compton [01:01:17]:
He'S not wrong.
David Roman [01:01:19]:
He's not wrong. It's. It's worth less. It's worth less than the dollar. Solemn thing. Nothing against you.
Jeff Compton [01:01:24]:
I don't.
Keith Perkins [01:01:24]:
Is it really called the loony?
Jeff Compton [01:01:26]:
Yeah, there's so.
Keith Perkins [01:01:26]:
Oh, my God.
Jeff Compton [01:01:27]:
Who are we riding in the car?
Keith Perkins [01:01:28]:
I was right.
Jeff Compton [01:01:29]:
Okay. Miss. Miss Tanika and Braxton. I were driving back, and, you know, Braxton's talking about this vacation he wants to do to Canada, and he's asking me about. We're thinking about going to Winston or, sorry, Churchill. For people that don't know Churchill, Manitoba is way. Northern Manitoba. And that's where they go on the big buses that have got the monster truck tires on them.
Jeff Compton [01:01:48]:
They knock out all the windows. You go out on the ice floe and you look for seals, because where the seals are, there's where the polar bears are. And then you can see the YouTube videos where the polar bears get up and try and push the bus over. This is what Braxton, Braskwin's wife, want to do it. Like, he's asking me about that, and he's like, so. Exactly like. So we're thinking, if we came into Niagara Falls and we went to Toronto, where else? And then go over to Churchill. And I'm like, do you realize how far it is from Niagara Falls?
David Roman [01:02:13]:
Has he never looked at a map?
Keith Perkins [01:02:15]:
13 hours.
Jeff Compton [01:02:16]:
It's like I said, you might as well, like, think about going from New York to Florida. It's kind of the same.
David Roman [01:02:21]:
Lucas Underwood [01:02:21]:
You understand it's Braxton, right?
David Roman [01:02:25]:
He's never looked at a map.
Lucas Underwood [01:02:27]:
Probably not, no.
Jeff Compton [01:02:27]:
So he's asking me, as if, like, when's the best time of year to go? And I'm sitting there going, I don't.
Keith Perkins [01:02:32]:
Have polar bears around.
Jeff Compton [01:02:33]:
Like, let me go ask one. I said, when you're in Toronto.
David Roman [01:02:36]:
But here's the thing. There's, like, a tiny strip of habitable land in Canada, and then everything north of that is polar bears.
Keith Perkins [01:02:44]:
Northern United States. Yeah, it's northern, Northern America.
Jeff Compton [01:02:47]:
So I'm like, if you want your polar bear fix while you're in Toronto, go to the Toronto Zoo, see the polar bears, and then go on down the highway to Ottawa. That would be what I would recommend. But if you want to go to Churchill. Well, when's the best time to go to Churchill, dude? Google it. I've never been.
Lucas Underwood [01:03:00]:
It's like, he's a. He's a little princess man, right?
Keith Perkins [01:03:03]:
Like, he's.
Lucas Underwood [01:03:04]:
He's just a little princess.
Jeff Compton [01:03:05]:
Wife must be a badass. So she wants to be in a bus and have polar bears try to flip over.
David Roman [01:03:09]:
Here's the thing.
Lucas Underwood [01:03:10]:
I'm starting to wonder if it's a sham. I think it must be. I mean, he's a. He's just way too sensitive.
David Roman [01:03:17]:
That's like, maybe she's a thrill seeker and maybe she hasn't. Or maybe she has seen the videos of polar bears.
Jeff Compton [01:03:24]:
She's a thrill seeker.
David Roman [01:03:25]:
Wildly aggressive.
Lucas Underwood [01:03:26]:
Oh, buddy, I'm telling you what he. Dude, Dude. A polar bear could be 10 miles from that boy, and he'd squeal like a schoolgirl and run away. I guarantee it.
David Roman [01:03:36]:
I don't know about that.
Jeff Compton [01:03:37]:
It could be all a rub like that.
Keith Perkins [01:03:38]:
I have to bring him to Oklahoma, and we'll put him through the L1X games. That's.
Lucas Underwood [01:03:41]:
Yeah, Zeb.
Keith Perkins [01:03:42]:
Horses jump out of planes.
Lucas Underwood [01:03:43]:
Let's do it.
Jeff Compton [01:03:44]:
Theory on all of this, right, is that most of what we're seeing online now is just a rub. When we talked about that big case that went on on TikTok and everybody blew up about it, Zeb still convinced it's just a rubber. I sat here last night and I talked about it, and I said, is it. Is it a rub? Is it a fix? No. It really did happen. But Zeb's convinced that it's all just a fix.
David Roman [01:04:02]:
So I don't know what you're talking about.
Jeff Compton [01:04:04]:
The whole. Dave's shop. Dave's Auto shop and the engine for Corey and this. So the guy in Utah, that is huge right now on social media for the engine rebuild and all that jazz. Yeah. Zeb is still convinced it's just a rub.
Lucas Underwood [01:04:16]:
I don't know. If you own an auto repair shop and you put yourself out there like that, sooner or later you're gonna F something up and it's gonna come out, and it may come out before you even have a chance to do anything about it. And that's the problem with the social world we live in, right? Nobody really knows what the truth is, and nobody will ever really know what the truth is. But there's so much of that. And, like, it's almost like when you look at some of these people who are out here talking about automotive repair. Like they, they look at themselves higher than they are. Like, nobody's going to fix it, dude. I'm going to tell you what.
Lucas Underwood [01:04:54]:
I fuck up so many cars and like then have to come back and fix it and we have comebacks and things go wrong. Like that is shop ownership. And if you, if anybody tells you I don't have that, they're fucking lying. Okay. Like straight up, I have.
Keith Perkins [01:05:07]:
Every time I make a YouTube video about like where another shop has like dropped the ball or something, it's usually after I've given them a ton of chances and I make sure I put in my most recent comeback in the.
Lucas Underwood [01:05:16]:
Yeah, exactly.
Keith Perkins [01:05:16]:
I'm like, I like, look, everyone screws up. I screwed this up. Here's the difference. Yeah, I made it right.
Lucas Underwood [01:05:21]:
Yeah, exactly. I tried to figure out how to unfuck this.
David Roman [01:05:25]:
I don't screw anything up. I'm perfect. Here's what all. What I would also do is make a whole YouTube video and just give slightly wrong information. But what is 80% of correct? When you say one thing, you throw in there and they go, that's not right.
Keith Perkins [01:05:42]:
I'll give you an idea.
David Roman [01:05:43]:
Just get everybody right.
Keith Perkins [01:05:44]:
Yeah, you should just take a sensor out and just call it something wrong.
Lucas Underwood [01:05:49]:
That's what he did.
Keith Perkins [01:05:51]:
I know. So hey, if you guys do a little research on. I'm sure these two have. But if you do some research on like some things that gets great engagement in a video is call something the wrong name. That's obvious.
David Roman [01:06:02]:
Just comments and lots of sharing.
Lucas Underwood [01:06:05]:
Did you ever see the. Have you ever seen the video of the. Where the news station. I. I'm not going to say this where Braxton can hear it. Did you ever see the video of where the news station got trolled about the plane crash? It was Asiana that crashed in San Diego. Or maybe it was San Francisco.
Keith Perkins [01:06:22]:
Yeah, they had the names of the pilots and the pilots some ting long.
Jeff Compton [01:06:31]:
That's so racist.
Keith Perkins [01:06:32]:
It happens all the time though.
Lucas Underwood [01:06:33]:
Like they were up there saying it.
Keith Perkins [01:06:36]:
Like they were like, I want to wish a happy birthday to a seven year old boy. Hugh Janus. Hugh Janus.
Lucas Underwood [01:06:45]:
Is there Amanda hugging kiss here? Is there Amanda hugging kiss here?
Keith Perkins [01:06:54]:
Well, it's the first time he's heard it, apparently.
David Roman [01:06:56]:
No, I remember the pranks.
Keith Perkins [01:06:58]:
Lucas Underwood [01:06:59]:
Says the KTVU anchor Tori Campbell later came back on the newscast and told viewers the names were not accurate despite an NTSB official in Washington confirming late this morning. We apologize for this error. The prank names are Captain some Ting Wong weed. Too low and holy and bang ding.
Keith Perkins [01:07:20]:
Oh my God. Bang moment where they just handed it to him and they started reading it. Yeah, but no pre thought, just.
David Roman [01:07:31]:
Just read whatever's on the Steve Carell's character.
Keith Perkins [01:07:35]:
San Diego it.
Lucas Underwood [01:07:36]:
Oh my goodness. You know what's sad about this and it breaks my heart like I'm about to tear up over it right now, is the fact that nobody's going to listen to this because it's after 10 hour.